Tuesday, March 24, 2009


first training scheduled for monday......:.)

i feel i have gained more than i have lost ...lets see if its true...

i wanna wall run so bad...i want to feel concrete under my palms....i wanna feel the soles of my feet fire as they make a million tiny calculations as to where my center of mass should be as i a twitch and tremble along a railing....i wanna wear a hoddie and hang out with my mates afterhours in urban jungles...


another thought about the idea of a brick wall...compared to humans, or skies, or memories, or water...it seems pretty unchangeable and therefore the ultimate unforgiving thing to confront...those places or relationships or situations where change seems impossible can sometimes therefore feel dead...i reckon those places are actually where deep underneath the real life is...to make movement flow in solid places....

commune with the concrete!!!!