Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bad habits.

Training schedule recent weeks:
1 or 2 Outdoor classes a wk
3 Outdoor sessions with friends or alone from 1- 4hrs
Dance and acro classes. (acro is new partly for my job but also for the fear and for the strength)
Hours and hours of lying on tennis balls and stretching and breathing because Im waking up in knots walking like a geriatric.

I'll admit i'm in a training slump at the moment as although i'm moving alot and parkouring every second day I feel (or did feel )disheartened.
I know its not helpful or productive but lets admit it;most of us have had a moment where the thought "i am just so sh*t at this" has crossed their mind. I know I have spoken to a lot of girls about this.....maybe girls are more open about their inscurities or maybe they are more inclined to doubt themselves physical capabilities but either way at the point where you feel you need motivational rescuing what can you do.....??

Finding out where and when the thought arose is quite helpful. In my case it came from making comparisons between my technique and others. Bad habit. BAAAADDD habit. I wonder if all confidence failures come from comparison?. Left alone in a landscape and learning to run, jump and climb either for fun or for survival, comparison would'nt be an issue, progress would still be made and possibly goals made and achieved aswell. Comparing yourself with anyone will always potentially end unfavourably and it seems tempting as comparison (seems) to give you a frame of reference for your progress. However actually it is a distraction that is a waste of time so i'm going to stop doing it. More thoughts on healthy goal setting soon. Im still addressing the pull up challenge although somewhat held back by pretendonitius symptons in my elbows. Hopefully by the end of this week I will have a proper plan of how to train after seeking advice from various professional types with body know how.