Friday, August 21, 2009

Last blog

Ok decided to stop doing Parkour. the back injury wont go away with concrete and impact ever so, as the risk of injury, and by this I dont mean the risk of accident, is too high, i cant afford the physio bills or potentially time off dancing work anymore. Its been a brilliant process where have learnt alot about risk, fear, intensity, got to love being outdoors and also to love all weathers, got an insight into the scene and broke a jump that I never ever dreamt I would do even when i was progressing fast. I have also learnt a deeper understanding of 'whats in your head' and also that certain things aren't just in your head; they're in your body too and sometimes they dont't suit your body type. i have really been forced to assess what's important to me which is always sets you on a path thats very focused and lovely. i wont miss the bruises but i will miss the people.

Thanks for reading folks. Off to Brazil now.


Elektra said...

well take care girl

Dave said...

I'm glad you don't think it's been a wasted experience, but I'm sad that you've not been able to find a way to continue with something you enjoy.

May you always find a use for the things you've learned and I hope that you continue to make new commitments to new things with the same flair as before!

Take care.