Thursday, October 16, 2008


im corpsing from the reality check of that last post by Sola......regarding find some piss easy moves and have some fun....YOU ARE SO RIGHT!.:.)

Currently most specified Parkour moves have now become scrambled...the paralysis of analysis my teacher used to say when we got tangled up in long dance sequences of 36 counts of 3 with 300 different variations of body shape rather than letting it flow. I literally can't slide monkey...cannot ......brain haemorrhage territory. So Sola; no i wont be doing any slide monkeys, though sadly not through choice:.). The upside of this paralysis is that if this is how effective my brain is when it focuses on crap things imagine what a tool it could be if I could turn it around and harness it for good?!.

The only move i'm enjoying right now is 2ft to 2ft precision between walls. Broke a nice one that was very high for me around Oval on Monday night with much support from Mr Bourne. Apparently he has never seen anyone quite so animated, or indeed acting quite so stangely before a jump. (We aim to please..if someone is going to wait around in the cold for an hour at least you can provide some entertainment:.) The cool thing about the difference between going for a jump and not is a weird shift of perception that my dancer/martial arts/tai chi trained friend pointed out on their first ever PK session.If you push your face forward so that you can't see the rest of your body in your peripheral vision and see the wall you are jumping to flowing toward you I get this feeling (when i'm really focused) that part of me has jumped already and i'm almost supposed when reality snaps back and I find myself still on the first wall. This is opposed to the anxious watching of a wall that is sliding ever further away from you and I now know when that happens there is no way i'm jumping unless i adjust something. Sola added it is great to move from the perspective that you are blessed to have the body you have as one day you that could all change in an instant and so a good old leapyjumpskipabout with an open mind and a grateful spirit is the best challenge I have ever been posted. Thankyou v.much.