Thursday, September 18, 2008

A day without Parkour is like a night without stars.

Just a short one. I’m aiming to go back to making blog entries every day and practicing everyday as it was one of the intentions of the blog to make Parkour a way of life.

Caught the second half of the womens class this evening.
I can speed vault outdoors! :.):.)
The BEST thing about this is the revelation that it was so easy. I had speed vault on my list of ‘Tricky movements I must deal with’. I had envisaged a session of psyching up for it, emotional trauma, banged knees and only then eventual triumph. Not so!. Turns out the difference between a fluid and light step vault (which recently I have specifically worked on) and a speed vault is just lengthening your top leg a few centimeters. By aiming to contact the wall a tiny bit further than normal from your hand and by delaying this contact with the wall the tiniest bit you are already over the obstacle and your wall is behind you, done and dusted, a footnote in history, toast.

Did you hear that wall?! Your’re toast!...Speed vault, speed vault, speed vault, cha cha cha cha cha chacha!

Makes you think…what other things could be achieved with the softest, smallest little adjustment? :.)

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